- Provide direct additional financial assistance for needs not normally covered in the library operating budget.
- Advocate for the library and its funding at a local level
- Encourage gifts, both financial and volunteer time
- Provide volunteer services to the library
- Increase community awareness and use of the library
What does the Friends of the Library group do?
So far we have:
-helped with spring yard cleanup
-recruited volunteers to help with a number of summer special events at the Phillips Public Library
-recruited a teen volunteer to decorate the children’s department ahead of the summer reading program kick off
The library staff and some of our members have many other fun ideas that we’ll be tackling for fall. If you’re
interested in joining us please send an email to phillipslibraryfriends@gmail.com to get on our mailing list.
Operating Agreements between the Library and the Friends of the Library:
(In this context “the Library” refers to the library staff AND its board of trustees)
- The library agrees to include the Friends in the long-term planning process to ensure that the Friends are aware of the goals and direction of the library.
- The Library agrees to supply the Friends with a “wish list” each year, or several times a year, that indicates the anticipated needs for the Friends’ support.
- The Library agrees to provide staff or material support when appropriate to assist them with mass mailings, inclusion in library newsletters or websites, meeting coordination, and promotional materials.
- The Library agrees to provide public space for the Friends membership information and promotional materials.
- The Friends agree to publicly support the Library and its policies.
- The Friends agree to include a member from the library’s board as a non-voting presence at any meetings and to allow room on the agenda for a library report if requested.
- The Friends agree that all monies raised will be spent exclusively on the library programs, services or other Library defined and approved needs.
- The Friends agree that the Library has the final say in accepting any gifts made to the library.
- The Friends agree to engage in advocacy efforts on behalf of the Library under the guidance of the Library

email – phillipslibraryfriends@gmail.com