Community Game Day Monday November 11th

Community Game Day Monday November 11th

Join us for our monthly Community Game Day. Monday November 11th, 5:30 to 7:00 pm.  Bring your favorite board games, card games and brain games to play with others from the community. Ages 12+ anyone under 12 must be accompanied by an adult. Light snacks will be...
Friday Fun Time

Friday Fun Time

Join us for Friday Fun Time at 10 a.m. every Friday. June 28th our story time will be enchanting tales about the wind that will sweep you away! We will have a sing along with songs celebrating the breezy wind. For craft time you will design and decorate your own...
Spring Book Sale!

Spring Book Sale!

Big Book Sale! All items are free will donation. Proceeds will benefit the library. The sale will run May 24th to June 6th during regular library business hours.